Nourish yourself with

every forkful!

Hi, I am Lucille. I am a nutritional therapist and my passion is to support my clients to make small, realistic and achievable habit changes to improve not only their physical but also their mental health.

My down to earth approach means I like to work alongside my clients using a combination of nutrition science and coaching to help them achieve their health goals. Many clients contact me as they start to realise that their food choices are contributing to their symptoms of weight gain, energy dips, digestive upsets, hormone imbalances and low mood.

My aim is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to take control of your own health and move from feeling unhealthy, tired and anxious to feeling more energetic, confident in your food choices, healthy and thriving.

“I have enjoyed our discussions on the scientific consequences of what I eat – it has opened my mind to what will happen if I don’t look after myself more. Losing weight has been amazing – slowly by surely, but I have not considered myself on a diet, so I expect this to continue. As a result of our consultations my sleep has been so much better – I rarely have a night when I wake up in the night.  I would say I now sleep through the night 95% of the time.  This was not one of my concerns but Lucille has shown me how things may be a result of better blood sugar levels. Having more sleep has made me feel so much better.”
